Thermaltake sent Leo a new set of ToughRam RGB 4600MHz memory - with pretty loose timings. We put the kit through its paces and compared to some other leading kits on the market - including a Corsair ...
Luke takes a look at the new Thermaltake ToughRAM DDR4 RGB 3600mhz 16GB kit. Thermaltake first showed off its ToughRAM series ...
Research indicates longer REM latency is associated with higher Alzheimer's biomarkers, pointing to its potential as an early ...
Anybody can develop high frequency hearing loss, but it becomes more common with age. Exposure to loud sounds or high frequency sounds are common causes of ear damage in younger people.
Computex is usually the proving ground for PC hardware launches but CES also sees a lot of action. At CES 2025, the two big ...
The trailer for Game Changer, starring Ram Charan, has dropped, showcasing an action-packed political thriller directed by Shankar Shanmugam. Ram Charan plays an IAS officer determined to take down a ...