Chiranjeevi celebrated his mother Anjana Devi’s birthday recently. The veteran actor penned a sweet note for his mother and later Ram Charan, his wife Upasana Konidela joined in for celebration. Along ...
"Welcome to Ginger Cat, a place for animal lovers who care about their well-being. Catch us on Paws & Claws as we work to make caring about animals a viral cause." ...
Ram Charan's wife Upasana Kamineni's latest Instagram entry is all about a father-daughter bond. Yes, we are talking about Klin Kaara. In the video, the little munchkin's adorable reaction to ...
Affectionately known as the “leaf sheep” or the “Shaun-the-sheep slug,” this little animal-plant hybrid is a unique specimen, indeed. At first glance, this tiny sea slug—measuring just a ...