The chip has broken new ground in a key random circuit sampling benchmark, an important development in Google's roadmap for ...
Quantum computing remains something of a holy grail in the world of technology: it promises a huge leap in computing power, but only if someone can figure out how to square away the fault rates that ...
Global Quantum Intelligence co-founder Doug Finke in an IBD interview talks about key developments for quantum computing ...
The Swiss startup has found a way to allow qubits to move in all spatial directions like an aeroplane, instead of like cars ...
Quantum computing has been on the horizon for what feels like decades. But with the explosion of artificial intelligence (AI) ...
Canadian company Xanadu has developed the world's first scalable, networked photonic quantum computer prototype.
Advances like these lead me to believe that useful quantum computing is inevitable and increasingly imminent. And that’s good ...
Also last month, the San Francisco-based quantum startup BlueQubit Inc. closed on $10 million in funding, shortly after ...
Quantum computing is stirring up excitement in the investment community because, like AI, it could offer companies a huge ...
Quantum computing is hot right now. Shares of pure play quantum computing stocks have been soaring, and the hype train has ...
Trapped-ion quantum computing leader IonQ (NYSE: IONQ) is emerging as a potential leader in the commercialization of quantum ...