The series delves into the deep, ancient history of the One Piece world, revealing multiple wars. Shichibukai & new Holy ...
Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii is launching next month, and to celebrate, SEGA has released a brand-new musical to sing along with.
Sing along to the Goro Pirates Anthem in this latest Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii trailer for the upcoming action ...
After being exclusive to Japan for the last few years, One Piece and Jujutsu Kaisen are finally coming to Universal Studios ...
Shamrock Figarland is Shanks's twin brother. Here's everything fans need to know about this new powerful One Piece character.
Majima voice actor Hidenari Ugaki talks about his experience voicing the iconic character in Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii.
A fan of Sega’s Like a Dragon series discovers a real-life pair of shoes that are identical to the character Goro Majima’s ...
These semi-realistic crime thrillers are a ton of fun to play, and while each of them has a fresh new story, and sometimes, ...
Xbox Game Pass is gearing up for a strong January with plenty of great games hitting the service, but these are the ones you should play over this weekend.