Alpha Delta Kappa, Epsilon Chapter, met via Zoom (due to extremely cold weather) on Feb. 19 for its monthly meeting with 22 ...
Encouraged by the Nazis to form marching bands to foster the myth death camps were places of industry, inmates with musical talent had a slightly better chance of surviving the Holocaust... and one ...
Released as part of a series for Bring Your Own Hammer, featuring on their new EP Speak Wreck Speak!, this nine-minute track ...
CRESCENT CITY COIN CLUB SHOW: The Crescent City Coin Club will host a show March 29, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., at The Landing Ballroom, ...
He gathered four of his contemporaries, who just happened to become four of the stellar names of Israeli music – David Broza, Yoni Rechter, Gidi Gov and Yehudit Ravitz. To say the album was a success ...
It was only after I left the Bar Bayeux in Brooklyn last Friday night, elated after two riveting sets from the Michael Sarin ...
Boy, howdy, do we have a quiet New Music Friday on our hands this week, folks. Not to pull the curtain too far here, but here ...
Three Charleston orchestras traveled to Carnegie Hall in late February to perform a program of works linked to the Holy City and the people who have called it home.
“For me, it represents our legacy, it represents the ability, even in the most difficult situations, to come together as a unit and make something work.” ...