Rebelii cuceriseră Goma, cel mai important oraș din provincia Nord Kivu, bogată în metale critice și pământuri ... Statele Unite și Uniunea Europeană sunt mult în urma colosului din sud-estul Asiei.
The rebels have been trying to push south towards Bukavu since they seized Goma, in North Kivu, the largest city in eastern Congo, at the end of last month. Any escalation in fighting could ...
Lake Kivu in eastern DR Congo is bustling again with cargo and passenger boats. The lake was quiet for almost a month after rebels captured the port cities of Goma and Bukavu. What would happen if ...
Marcus Bachmann, Doctors Without Borders (MSF) head of programmes for South Kivu province, explains the situation in this part of eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) as the conflict evolves.
Devon Live readers have been expressing their sadness after Paignton Zoo announced the sad passing of Kivu, a much-loved 22 year old western lowland gorilla. The zookeepers had noticed a change in ...
Relația dintre UE și China este un alt subiect de dezacord. Jumătate sau mai mulți dintre cei chestionați din sudul și sud-estul Europei, inclusiv Spania, Italia, Bulgaria, Ungaria și România, au spus ...
Bangkok MP Chaiyamparwaan Manpianjit on Tuesday reported to police in Chiang Mai to acknowledge charges in a rape case involving a 25-year-old Taiwanese tourist. The complainant said she was raped ...
A statement from a military spokesperson for operations in North Kivu province ordered runaway soldiers around Lubero to return to their posts within 12 hours and called on all soldiers to refrain ...
On one side of the lake, lovers glide on canoes, friends ride jet-skis and families pose for pictures in the hazy sunset. On the other side, less than two miles away, dead bodies washed ashore ...
The governor of South Kivu province confirmed on Sunday that Rwandan-backed M23 rebels had entered the centre of the provincial capital Bukavu from where he said Congolese troops had withdrawn ...
KINSHASA, (March 7, 2025) – About 375,000 children are missing out on education and are vulnerable to violence and recruitment by armed groups in the North Kivu region of the Democratic Republic of ...
În România, cel mai gros strat de zăpadă, de aproape un metru, este în zonele montane înalte, iar datele ANM arată că, dintre zonele locuite, cel mai mare strat de zăpadă este de 31 cm, la stația ...