"MTV Unplugged" premiered rather quietly in the fall of 1989 as an acoustic showcase for serious musicians (like 10,000 Maniacs and Michael Penn) who didn't go in for the glitz and glam most ...
The band also took a slightly different turn with their set list, opting for covers and deep cuts more so than well-known hits. Nirvana's MTV Unplugged in New York was another huge seller and one ...
“Black” is one of Pearl Jam’s biggest songs, and their MTV Unplugged version of the track is on another level. Eddie Vedder’s vocals are on another level in this version, and the resonator ...
Thanks to MTV’s Unplugged series, there was about a decade-long run where acoustic albums were en vogue. Arguably, ...
Eric Clapton Unplugged…Over 30 Years Later 90-minute MTV Unplugged special is set for premiere in select U.S. and UK theaters on Monday, Jan. 27 and Tuesday, Jan. 28, ahead of its streaming ...
Eric Clapton's well-received '90s-era performance on MTV's Unplugged will return as an expanded 90-minute theatrical and streaming special. Now dubbed Eric Clapton Unplugged ... Over 30 Years ...