Two stars of Love Actually found out they are cousins when they worked together on the iconic Christmas movie back more than ...
Love Actually director Richard Curtis has opened ... without conjuring up an image of the scene towards the end of the movie, where Andrew Lincoln’s character wordlessly professes his love ...
Hugh Grant had no idea he was related to one of his Love Actually co-star and only made the bombshell discovery while filming.
Ain’t nothing more powerful than love.
Love Actually script editor Emma Freud took to X ... If Rufus had remained an angel as first planned, one of the movie's most poignant moments, when Karen discovers the necklace wasn't meant ...
Despite her glaring error, Love Actually doesn't present Eleonore's mistake as its own joke. Instead, it treats Eleonore's roasting of Jamie's language skills as fact. The movie positions Eleonore ...
“To me, you are perfect.” “I love you even when you’re sick and look disgusting.” “If you look for it, I’ve got a sneaky ...
Against the backdrop of aged has-been rock star Billy Mack's Christmas themed comeback cover of "Love Is All Around ... And John and Judy are movie body doubles. They can communicate with ...
recently revealed that she had a real-life crush on Brodie-Sangster while she was filming Love Actually as a 10-year-old girl – and that their kiss in the airport at the end of the movie was her ...
Iconic. To celebrate the annual outpouring of affection for Curtis’s film (and pay homage to all the ‘Love Actually is actually problematic’ articles which will soon be appearing all over ...