The Leigh Marine Laboratory north of Auckland has unveiled state-of-the-art aquariums set to significantly enhance marine ...
A House committee will hold a hearing this week scrutinizing whether National Institutes of Health animal research amounts to ...
Where does fear come from? American psychologist John Watson wanted to find out — so, in the name of science, he tried to ...
The pink, white and red blob of tissue quivers in a vat of clear goop about the size of a kitchen sink. Graduate students ...
Across the tree of life, human activities are accelerating declines in biological species diversity, from deserts to oceans ...
Chris Lowe, who has run the Shark Lab since 1998, has entered the Faculty Early Retirement Program offered by the university.
In a lab test, chimps and orangutans can recognize their own reflection. But in the wild, baboons seemingly can’t do the same.
Biology professor James Dearworth Jr. has been studying turtles for decades. What does he see in them? He was hoping you’d ...
I asked Dr. Acostamadiedo what causes night terrors, hallucinations and other parasomnias, to get to the root of my recurring ...
Large rat populations can have a damaging effect on cities. Researchers found that living with rats " impacts people and ...
There are notable differences between men and women in their susceptibility to many human diseases, including cardiovascular ...
Heatstroke can cause long-term organ damage and obesity in mice, raising concerns about similar effects in humans.