Sakamoto Days is a new anime series that tells the story of an ex-hitman who settled down and started a family — but enemies ...
Known for its wide-ranging collaborations that feature characters from pop culture staples like Naruto, Attack on Titan, and ...
Jinwoo becomes stronger in the new season and continues to face new thrilling Journey. In this season the character ...
Villainess Level 99 started off strong, delivering a first-episode bait-and-switch of such epic proportions we were left ...
One of the most beloved characters in Naoya Matsumoto’s Kaiju No. 8 manga and anime series is Reno Ichikawa, who plays a ...
One of the most exciting aspects of mangaka Naoya Matsumoto’s Kaiju No. 8 manga and anime series is how strong some of the characters are shown to be.
Fortnite players are critical about the new collaboration with the new anime Kaiju No. 8, but why so? Let's find out.
Fuji Media Holdings Inc., Fuji TV 's parent company, also announced the resignation of its chairman Shuji Kano on Monday.
Fortnite just dropped a legendary collab featuring the popular anime, Kaiju No. 8. Here’s a quick guide on how to get Kaiju ...
Fortnite has just added the Kaiju No. 8 collab in Chapter 6 Season 1, but so far, it’s been getting mixed reactions in the community.
The 100 Girlfriends Who Really, Really, Really, Really, REALLY Love You has finally revealed the voice cast for the English ...
Fortnite teams up with Kaiju No. 8, adding exclusive cosmetics to the Item Shop until February 1! Don't miss out!