As most NYC building owners are aware, since Nov. 12 all trash cans must have a secured lid. Otherwise, effective Jan. 2 ...
As Ireland faces a priest shortage, Kerry’s Diocese is empowering 25 lay ministers to take on key roles in parish life ...
St. Patrick's Day is celebrated on Monday, March 17, this year, though celebrations also occurred over the weekend.
It was an honour to be asked to join the London order's Spring Equinox ceremony scattering seeds in the City, but sadly the ...
The South Carolina Law Enforcement Division arrested two Georgetown County men for operating a dogfighting business.
Major congratulations to Aifric Halpin, Sean Leonard, Henry Thwaites and Oscar White all in 4th class.
AS Lent continues across Belfast, many of us are embracing the tradition of sacrifice, often giving up sweets, chocolate or ...
"Celtic Christianity incorporates contemplative prayer, rhythm in work and worship, sharing equally between women and men, ...
In 1997, my students and I traveled to Croagh Patrick, a mountain in County Mayo, as part of a study abroad program course on ...