My party affiliation meant I had an uphill climb, but I'm grateful to the Iowans I met while campaigning, writes .
A bill moving through the state legislature would provide some budget stability to public school districts in areas hit by ...
The odds of Cedar Rapids finally getting a casino took a hit Thursday when state lawmakers advanced legislation that would ...
John Groninga, a Mason City resident who served in the Iowa House of Representatives for a decade and was also a high school ...
A representative of the Iowa Board of Regents told lawmakers Wednesday that the board is ready and willing to conduct the ...
Lawmakers advanced a proposed state constitutional amendment allowing remote testimony for child crime victims, but question ...
Hoping to shield Iowa’s public universities from potential backlash to policy changes enacted by lawmakers, Republicans ...
Our journey through Iowa’s 99 counties began in January with a visit to Kossuth County in the north, which is not the only location named after Lajos Kossuth, Hungary’s freedom fighter during the ...
The Iowa House of Representatives has officially passed HF-144, which would place a 5-year moratorium on new gaming licenses in the state of Iowa.
Iowa parents who homeschool children would be allowed to teach other people's kids and charge tuition for their homeschooling ...
However, opponents contend that a casino in Cedar Rapids would cannibalize revenue from existing casinos, hurting the economy ...
Jan. 13, Rep. Mark Thompson (R-Clarion) was sworn into the Iowa House of Representatives on the first day of the 91st General ...