S Sriram and Dinesh Kukreja of Lakshmikumaran and Sridharan examine the tax consequences of foreign business reorganisations ...
The US law firm’s tax counsel tells ITR about inspirations from a ‘legendary’ German tax scholar, perfecting riesling wine ...
In the move which is poised to reshape fiscal flows in Montana's insurance landscape, state lawmakers have introduced a bill ...
Since the country’s founding, there has been a recognition of how important it is for citizens, through their attorneys, to ...
United States Attorney Alexander C. Van Hook announced that 39-year-old Sharhonda Law of Haughton, La. has been sentenced to ...
In its recent decision in Lashify, Inc. v. International Trade Commission, the Federal Circuit opened the door for patent ...
Eric J. Fues and Kyle W. Howarth of Finnegan address the on-sale bar in patent law, with a focus on how pre-filing sales of ...
Less: Exemptions on Salary income (other than HRA) which are not allowed under New Regime (e.g. Leave travel allowance, Education allowance, Hostel allowance etc.) Less: Exemptions on Salary ...