The first Landsat series satellite was launched by NASA in the summer of 1972 with the aim of tracking changes in the Earth's ...
Trump administration has been threatening duties on pharmaceuticals firms who have invested heavily in Ireland and worldwide ...
Legal restrictions on cutting hedgerows between March and August 31 are to protect bird life during the nesting season, and ...
It is not a male anything. This is a female chaffinch, which appears to be suffering from leucism, causing the plumage to ...
READ MORE: In Pictures: See the glitz and glamour ... 2021 also saw more than 500 (real) trees planted on Cork city's ...
Household electricity bills are effectively subsidising data centres by hundreds of millions of euro a year, an investigation ...
“The world is being inundated by the brazen conviction that power can do anything, justice nothing,” the man who had spent ...
The dean of the Graduate School of Architecture at Columbia University believes that we must commit to an ‘interspecies alliance.’ Buildings must not only be sustainable: they must also heal the ecolo ...
Designed by the architect Carl Graffunder, a house built in 1964 is getting the love and respect it deserves. Two years ago, ...
Black American novelists, filmmakers and other writers are using comedy to reveal — and combat — our era’s disturbing ...
THE betrayal of trust began in the quiet confines of a music storeroom at Erne Integrated College, among the violins and choir sheets, where ...