Fox World Travel recently held an event at its headquarters providing education about how people can identify and prevent ...
On National Human Trafficking Awareness Day, a group of determined volunteers took to the streets on the West Side on ...
Awaken, a nonprofit dedicated to increasing awareness and education around sex trafficking and providing housing and ...
The City of Terre Haute is bringing something special to the month of January. Mayor Brandon Sakbun held a special ...
Randa Rice’s story starts at a young age, 12 years old. That’s when she began selling her body for money. Randa grew up in a ...
STAC said their caseload almost doubled over the past year. They also say community awareness about human trafficking has ...
Randa Rice’s story starts at a young age, 12 years old. That’s when she began selling her body for money. Randa grew up in a ...
January is National Human Trafficking Awareness Month. You can help make an impact - by learning some of the signs of ...
New signs at Bradley International Airport are meant to raise awareness of human trafficking, officials and advocates said.
A group of marchers pressed through snow-covered sidewalks and below-freezing temperatures in Burton on Jan. 11 to spread ...
Maria Trusa was 9-years-old -- and living in the Domincan Republic -- when she woke up one day and seeing her father choose between her and her brothers to sacrifice to another man.
In observance of Human Trafficking Prevention Month, the Texas Department of Public Safety is sponsoring a monthlong campaign ...