A new study found that children diagnosed with a form of leukemia between 2002 to 2019, during Colorado’s hydraulic ...
The debate on nature versus nurture has never ceased, particularly in discussions about neurodevelopmental conditions (NDCs) ...
Higher and more intense levels of physical activity may not benefit life span as much as previously thought, a new study in ...
Chronic-disease methods grew out of infectious-disease epidemiology ... new methods do not obviate the necessity for good study design, especially the need to be clear on the difference between ...
The study builds on a small body of previous research, but Colorado’s oil and gas industry strongly disputes the findings.
The Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) issued a statement in response to the news of the CDC’s potential study. The group emphasized the proven safety of vaccines and expressed concerns at ...
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) air quality monitors are disproportionally located in predominately white ...
A recent study explored COVID experiences among Indigenous adults in WA. Here’s what we must learn for the next pandemic.
A grant from the American Cancer Society will allow researchers to develop a comprehensive picture of the factors that may ...
A new study in Brain Medicine explores how maternal immune activation (MIA) affects hippocampal neuron function in newborn ...
The EPA's network consistently failed to capture air quality in communities of color across six major pollutants. The monitors are the key data source driving decisions about pollution reduction, ...
Dementia risk has been linked to air pollution exposure — particularly PM2.5 exposure — through a growing body of medical research.