Consider three big examples: the evidence for cosmic design in the fundamental laws and structure of the universe; the ...
The Cosmological Argument demonstrates the nature of God ... It is at least centuries older than the Greek philosophy of Plato and Aristotle, who were beginning to understand God in terms of ...
In the hush between star-bright infinities and the hum of everyday tasks, a quiet summons persists. No single measurement or ...
Many believe that Craig's upcoming "Reasonable Faith" tour in the U.K. is intimidating Dawkins, who refuses to engage on a one-on-one talk with the leading Christian apologist, famous for his revival ...
Today in the field of philosophy, the Christian theist has access to a secular ... Statements of the anthropic cosmological principle ("It's as if the universe were exquisitely tuned, almost as if to ...
As the philosopher Helen Beebee wittily expressed it, physical laws are not “prior to and watching over matters of fact to make sure they don’t step out of line” (Philosophy and ... empty space – the ...
He has a Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of Birmingham ... including the elaboration on cosmological and teleological arguments, feature scientific and philosophical concepts which some may ...
But this argument misses the point in two crucial respects ... but what Aristotle ‘saw’ as matter seeking out its rightful (cosmological) place in the order of the elements. Thus the Quinean/Kuhnian ...
Cosmological data indicate that the universe has become more complex over its 13.8 billion-year history, with matter distribution appearing less clumpy than expected.
This paper delves deeply into these questions by analyzing and reflecting on the “Scientific Cosmological Ontology,” “Modern Physical Philosophy Framework,” “The Physical Principles of Natural ...