Individuals with ASD also demonstrated increased activation within frontal-striatal regions including the thalamus, caudate nucleus, dorsolateral prefrontal ... offer some insight into ...
A statistical analytical block design was constructed for each individual subject, using a general linear model (GLM) with block onsets of social or random blocks convolved with a canonical ...
Purdue University scientists have discovered a key mechanism that regulates how plants develop chloroplasts, essential ...
In addition to exporting materials out of the nucleus, the protein, called Exportin-1 (also called Xpo1 or Crm1), seems to play a role in promoting gene transcription, the process that creates RNA ...
University of Queensland scientists have cracked a long-standing puzzle in nuclear physics, showing that nuclear polarization ...
The surgeons in Severance use no such sophisticated imaging, simply peering into the brain and hand-placing the chip—and ...
In a surprising turn of events, an international team of scientists has found that lead-208 (208 Pb), the heaviest known "doubly magic" nucleus, exhibits unexpected shape characteristics that ...
“I love Severance because it brings up such an important function that the brain takes care of without our even realizing it,” which is establishing our identity simply by being aware of ...
Who were our earliest ancestors? The answer could lie in a special group of single-celled organisms with a cytoskeleton similar to that of complex organisms, such as animals and plants. Objectives: To determine whether parkinsonian symptoms in dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) are associated with greater atrophy of the caudate nucleus in comparison with patients with ...