This little nugget of history is on display at a travelling exhibition in Delhi that captures the complicated history of ...
Presenting rich archival evidence and data on 16,000 indigenous schools in British India, historian Parimala V Rao asserted ...
Why would Oxfam, a once-respected charity, publish a careless and ill thought-out piece of propaganda such as its latest ...
Coldplay frontman sparked a lively debate about British colonialism during the band’s recent concert in Mumbai, India. As ...
John Cartier, Governor of Bengal, died on this day. Cartier was first employed as a writer for the British East India Company ...
Rather than being made to pay for its plundering, there’s something even more devastating and long-lasting that the British could do – educate itself properly about its colonial history, says Mihir Bo ...
Thanks for forgiving us for all of the bad things Great Britain has done.”Coldplay frontman Chris Martin has thanked ...
Business & Economy, the British empire looted $64.82 trillion from India. Of this, $33.8 trillion went straight into the ...
On money extracted from India by the UK during over 100 years of colonialism between 1765 and 1900, Oxfam said that beyond ...
Between 1765 and 1900, the British Empire took $64.82 trillion from India during colonialism, a recent Oxfam report has found ...
The UK extracted $64.82 trillion from India over a century of colonialism between 1765 and 1900 and $33.8 trillion of this ...
@ChillamChilli also weighed in, writing: ‘So Coldplay’s Chris Martin, a British Citizen in his concert, accepted that the ...