It is to Rayman’s Ubisoft Montpellier’s credit that Valiant Hearts doesn’t try to capture the reality of combat – instead opting for cartoon abstraction. But don’t think it holds back on ...
The American University Museum at the Katzen Arts Center is pushing the boundaries of contemporary art with a lineup of ...
The Dayton peace accords that ended Bosnia's war, which killed more than 100,000 people, also envisaged that the entities are bound by joint state institutions, including the army, top judiciary and ...
NATO’s secretary general on Monday pledged the military alliance’s “unwavering” support for Bosnia’s territorial integrity ...
Sweden's Supreme Court has rejected Bosnia and Herzegovina's request for the extradition of Dedo Odobasic, accused of committing war crimes against civilians in Bosanski Brod in 1992, due to his ...
The president of Bosnia's autonomous Serb Republic defied rulings by the international envoy to Bosnia, whose role is to ...
The Dayton peace accords that ended Bosnia’s war, which killed more than 100,000 people, also envisaged that the entities are bound by joint state institutions, including the army, top judiciary ...
They also recall separatist aspirations that sparked Bosnia's war in 1992. The conflict ended three years later in a U.S.-sponsored peace accord that created two administrations — one Bosnian ...
Bosnia’s civil war pitted Bosniaks, who are mostly Muslims, Serbs and Croats against each other and ended with a U.S.-sponsored peace agreement in 1995 that created two regions, Republika Srpska ...
The Dayton peace accords that ended Bosnia’s war, which killed more than 100,000 people, also envisaged that the entities are bound by joint state institutions, including the army, top judiciary ...
part of his bid to roll back all post-war reforms aimed to strengthen the fragile country. Under the U.S.-sponsored peace deal, Bosnia was split into two autonomous regions, the Serb Republic and ...
Former Bosnian Army military policemen Zijad Nanic and Esad Kudelic were acquitted after a retrial of having command responsibility for war crimes against civilians and prisoners of war held in a ...