The Oscar-winning filmmaker makes a leap with his English-language debut, ‘The Room Next Door,’ while staying true to his ...
“Severance” follows the lives of a group of workers at a company called Lumon Industries who have agreed to undergo a procedure known as “severance.” During this operation, a device — the Severance ...
In her first ever presenting role, Amy Irons operated in a media landscape very different from the slick, digital world she ...
A 16-year-old boy was arrested at Elk Grove High School after being caught on campus with a loaded gun on Thursday, officials said.
Turns out putting everything behind locked glass and ad-covered screens does not create a welcoming shopping environment.
The writer-director was partially inspired by a close friend who died of ALS, but ultimatley lost a scene involving the ...
The Silo Season 2 finale gives us a lot of answers, but still manages to end in a major cliffhanger. Here's what the ending means for Rebecca Ferguson's Juliette and the other silo occupants.
A dog was injured in a shooting in Sacramento's Fruitridge Pocket on Thursday, the sheriff's office said. The Sacramento County Sheriff's Office responded to initial reports of a possible shooting ...
Love Is Blind alum Kwame Appiah shared that he was recently diagnosed with ulcerative colitis after experiencing symptoms which doctors feared could be a sign of cancer.
Pets who won't stay off the furniture, dust that accumulates so quickly, and 23 other problems that will no longer plague you ...