Peru’s coastline battered by tsunami-like waves one day after country declares environmental emergency - The huge swell ...
The 20-year-old freshman student was still asleep that Sunday morning at the family’s house on the Andaman Sea coast of ...
I don’t wish ever a disaster of this magnitude on anyone,” one woman said. But the 2004 Asian tsunami also made her realize ...
People are gathering in prayer and visiting mass graves in Indonesia’s Aceh province to mark 20 years since the massive ...
Mourners across Asia light candles and remember the 220,000 victims of the 2004 tsunami, sharing stories of survival and loss.
The last I saw of that room was the roof dropping down on us before we were washed out through the rear wall of the building' ...
As a highly-skilled forensic investigation expert, Peter Baines has encountered more death than anyone could ever fathom. After the devastating Bali bombings back in 2002, he was sent over to the ...
Sharon Howard has returned to Thailand to mark the 20th anniversary of losing her six-year-old son Taylor, his eight-year-old ...
One of the deadliest natural disasters in modern history, the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami marks its 20th anniversary on Dec. 26 ...
With hundreds of thousands dead, a shortage of body bags and 1.7 million people displaced, the overwhelming devastation caused by the 2004 Boxing Day tsunami remains forever imprinted on the minds of ...