Alabama, Jury Duty and Breastfeeding
Only days after the incident, public outry led to a new state order excusing breastfeeding women from jury duty.
A mother shouldn’t be relying on a subjective, sympathetic judge to determine whether she can feed her baby or not,” Rep. Susan DuBose said.
A no brainer to jump in and support Kandace Brown, a mom of five who had to bring her three-month-old to the Jefferson County Courthouse last week when she wasn’t immediately excused from jury duty. For hours, she was met with backlash and threatened with DHR for having her infant in tow.
The Alabama Supreme Court issued an administrative order Jan. 17 regarding procedures in excusing prospective jurors from service. The Court stated in its order that a nursing mother of an infant child qualifies for an excuse from jury service in advance of the person's summoned date to court.
Michael and Kristine Barnett adopted Natalia Grace and later successfully petitioned a court to legally re-age her, claiming she was really an adult.
Alabama mom Kandace Brown says she attempted to seek exemption from jury duty while breastfeeding her 3-month-old infant who ‘depends on me for life,’ but she claims she was met with pushback from court officials.
Breastfeeding mothers will now be exempt from jury duty, according to an administrative order from the Alabama Supreme Court. This ruling follows an outcry from mothers in Jefferson County who had bad experiences when called on for jury duty.
Part of the order read, ‘A nursing mother of an infant child clearly qualifies for the excuse from jury service." It goes on to say “other competent evidence” from a prospective juror seeking to be excused must be submitted telephone, electronic mail, or writing in advance of the prospective juror’s summoned date."
A Morgan County Judge has granted a request for an immunity hearing by the attorneys of a former Decatur police officer charged with murder in the shooting death of Stephen Perkins.
A federal judge ordered the legal teams representing Koch Foods of Alabama LLC and former employee Pamela McCullers to go to lunch together.
Only days after a breastfeeding mother summoned for jury duty was forced to bring her 3-month-old daughter to an Alabama courthouse, the state Supreme Court declared breastfeeding women should be excused from the civic responsibility.