"The New Yorker" devotes 13 pages to a new profile of Lorne Michaels this week as his show, "Saturday Night Live," marks its ...
Saturday Night recounts the true, although dramatized, story of the October 11, 1975 premiere of the now-renowned live comedy sketch show, Saturday Night Live, created by Lorne Michaels (who is played ...
The comedian said he felt adrift on the iconic sketch comedy show until he had a chat with the legendary Lorne Michaels.
"To some, Michaels will bark, 'Don’t f--- it up,'" Susan Morrison writes in Lorne: The Man Who Invented Saturday Night Live, according to an excerpt in The New Yorker. David Spade Says It ...
And yet a half-century later, producer Lorne Michaels and his merry maniacs are still at it. What gives? Explaining aspects of that improbable run is the mission of a new Peacock docuseries ...