Ward 8 City Councillor John-Paul Danko is taking an unpaid leave of absence from his city council duties while he runs as the federal Liberal candidate in Hamilton West – Ancaster – Dundas. Danko ...
Hamilton City Council will discuss an investigation into an alleged "confidential information leak" involving Ward 12 Councillor Craig Cassar at the start of Wednesday's Council ratification meeting.
Rendering of the proposed redevelopment of 399 Greenhill Avenue as presented to Hamilton's Design Review Panel in June 2022 Credit: HANDOUT Yesterday, the Ontario Land Tribunal issued notice that it ...
The mission of The Public Record is to provide informed coverage of Hamilton’s civic affairs to enable all residents to fulfill the responsibilities of citizenship.
St. Catharines Mayor Mat Siscoe is using his Strong Mayor powers to move a mayoral bylaw to override a Committee of Adjustment (CoA) denial of a four-tower residential development. Mayoral bylaws only ...
Danko has been an off-and-on Liberal Party member in recent years. With Liberal polling numbers increasing, he's returned to the Party.
The City of Hamilton has declared a portion of the annual report confidential, citing “personal matters about an identifiable individual.” Due to a lack of data tracking, the City cannot provide the ...
Hamilton Bike Share Inc. is asking Council to increase its annual funding by nearly 50 percent. If approved, HSBI will receive $744,000 annually, an increase of $258,000 from the current $486,000 ...
Getting a planning application approved in Hamilton takes an average of 31 months. This is nearly triple the average of 11.2 months across comparator municipalities and six months worse than the ...