Climbing the hierarchy of GTD perspective levels, we are already at the level of goals, which contains the commitments you want or have to achieve one or two years from now. Goals, like projects, are ...
From the bottom up, vision is the next-to-last level on the ladder of perspective. Beyond the level of goals, we find ourselves on a higher horizon where the fundamental question is: How do you ...
FacileThings te proporciona un sistema completo de listas para organizar todas las cosas (tareas, proyectos, información, acciones futuras, contextos, eventos, contactos) de todas tu áreas de interés ...
Jason Fried says in his book Rework that in Basecamp, company in which he is co-founder and CEO, one of the abilities that they are interested in when hiring people is their writing ability, no matter ...
Para que tu sistema GTD sea útil y funcional, debes revisar tus listas tan a menudo como necesites para confiar en él y sentir que todo está bajo control. Se trata de un hábito difícil de conseguir.
WYSIATI is the acronym for de What you see is all there is, a cognitive bias described by Daniel Kahneman in his book Thinking, fast and slow, which explains how irrational we are when making ...
Si bien la palabra procrastinar parece un anglicismo importado, lo cierto es que procede del latín (pro-, diferir, crastinus, el día siguiente) y está recogida en el diccionario de la Real Academia ...
"Anxiety is caused by a lack of control, organization, preparation, and action." ~ David Kekich Perhaps because it’s the result of 20 years of David Allen’s experience as a consultant, helping ...
Aclarar qué es cada cosa que has capturado y decidir que vas a hacer con ella es lo que te permite transformar el caos, una bandeja de entrada llena de cosas indefinidas, por la tranquilidad, un ...
Nos encontramos en el momento de la historia en el que los seres humanos estamos más conectados que nunca. Ninguna generación anterior se ha tenido que enfrentar a una situación similar. Este altísimo ...
Sometimes, you have lots of work to do but you realize that time is seriously against you. Maybe you even become so worried that you no longer know where to start. Perhaps you have tried your best but ...
Every time you are learning something new, developing a new habit or running a big project, there are always moments in which thoughts invade your mind. It looks like you don’t move on, you don’t feel ...