For decades, archaeologists have wondered whether a suit of Bronze Age armor found in Greece—boar's tusk helmet ... It was found near the site of Mycenae, an ancient city about 70 miles west ...
Hoplite infantrymen were the military ideal of ancient Greece and were recruited from the wealthy middling ranks of society, particularly the farmers. They wore bronze armor breastplates ...
While many films about Ancient Greece exhibit characters in ... Real Mycenaean armor was constructed using bronze plating and looked more like a tube, and boar's head tusk helmets were popular ...
which was likely stolen from a museum in Olympia in the 1930s Ella Jeffries Staff Contributor Items like this bronze griffin head were often used to adorn ceremonial cauldrons in ancient Greek ...
According to the Ancient Greek historian ... board the enemy and fight in hand-to-hand combat. Dressed in heavy bronze armor this was obviously a very dangerous activity! Maintaining triremes ...
Such ornaments often decorated the rims of bronze cauldrons that were offered as votive gifts in ancient Greek sanctuaries from the sixth century BC to the eight century BC. Following its ...