I got an unexpected email last week from the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It referenced the Prevention ...
Sennett noted that McCarthy's chief counsel on the committee was Roy Cohn, who was also a mentor to a young Donald Trump when he was a budding New York real estate tycoon. He recalled that the ...
As Broadway prepares to reckon with the effect of McCarthyism on journalism in the new drama, Good Night and Good Luck, go ...
The McCarthy hearings may have launched Cohn into ... Donald Trump — is what caused people to consider Roy Cohn to be an evil person.” Cohn’s well-heeled and wide-ranging social circle ...
Senator Joseph McCarthy hired Cohn in 1953 as Chief Counsel for the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations. McCarthy relied heavily on Cohn—for contacts, information, ideas, and ...
COMMUNISM just isn't what it used to be; Roy M. Cohn just isn't what he used to be either. It has been more than fifteen years since the McCarthy hearings, highlighted by the special Cohn ...
they read a lot about McCarthy's so-called "disclosure" and a very little about what the Tribune termed the "alleged actions" of Roy Cohn. The self-acknowledged "World's Greatest Newspaper," in ...
In 1953, the author Langston Hughes was called before Senator Joseph McCarthy’s Subcommittee ... against the Subcommittee’s chief counsel, Roy Cohn. We dramatized the actual hearing ...
Despite arguably being the architect of McCarthy’s downfall, Cohn extricated himself from this and for he next thirty years enjoyed an infamous and richly rewarded career as New York’s most ...
The hearings were held for the purpose of investigating conflicting accusations between the United States Army and Senator Joseph McCarthy. The Army accused chief committee counsel Roy Cohn of ...