Travis Air Force Base, McDonnell Douglas KC-10 Extender
The KC-46A Pegasus has better refueling, cargo and medical evacuation abilities when compared to the older generations.
KC-10 Extender No. 84-0191 will be located at the museum’s Air Park among other legendary Air Force aircraft including the C-17 Globemaster III, KC-135R Stratotanker, A-10A Thunderbolt II and ...
While the KC-10’s primary mission is aerial refueling, it can accommodate 75 passengers and transport 170,000 pounds of cargo. The Extender is based on the civilian DC-10 commercial aircraft and ...
Wear and tear is doing what a 1990s downsizing couldn’t — close March Air Reserve Base’s exchange. After more than 50 years, the March Main Exchange, or “BX” as it’s known in military ...
Although one commonality they have is this - all of their crew chiefs start their careers with training at Sheppard AFB. "For their first 23 days of training, its fundamentals," said Master Sgt.
This aircraft is equipped with a modernized KC-10 refueling boom integrated with proven fly-by-wire control system and delivering a fuel offload rate required for large aircraft. In addition ...