As a result, the CDU/CSU partnership is projected to secure 208 seats in the Bundestag, the German ... the elections. The Greens won 11.6 percent of the vote, a 3 percent drop from the 2021 ...
Talking to voters about the many non-conspiracy reasons they vote for a far-right party can help break "the glass door." ...
Having become the largest party in the 2021 election, opinion polls indicate ... when he lost a vote of confidence in the German parliament, the Bundestag. Scholz’s own future as the head ...
Trump hailed the result as a "GREAT DAY FOR GERMANY," while the far-right AfD party that Elon Musk has championed made historic gains.
German citizens ... to enter the Bundestag, the elected chamber of the bicameral parliament. The second vote is considered the most important and is most widely reported on election night because ...
Since the last national election in 2021, the number of naturalizations ... on a caretaker basis until the Bundestag elects the new chancellor. Mainstream German parties say they won’t work ...
The center-right Christian Democratic Union (CDU) came on top in Germany’s snap election ... next German chancellor, succeeding Olaf Scholz. The AfD doubled its vote share from 2021, earning ...
German voters go to the polls Sunday to elect a parliament that will determine who runs the country for the next four years.
A German flag flutters in the wind in front of the cupola of the Reichstag building that houses the Bundestag (lower house of German parliament) on February 24, 2025. (Photo by RALF HIRSCHBERGER ...
German journalists refuse to interview the party’s Beatrix von Storch, but I went to see her in Berlin.