A Greek coin showing Pegasus and the goddess, Athena. The Greeks thought the gods ... killed a monster called Medusa. Medusa was a Gorgon who had venomous snakes instead of hair.
To set the scene, Medusa had returned, and she was waging war against the goddess Athena, and the only way you can really hurt a goddess is to take it out on the goddess' champion, which was ...
The book has been hailed as a feminist retelling of Medusa’s myth, however, for me, she remained a victim without any agency – a mere pawn of the selfish, cruel and egotistical gods. Even her tragic ...
and then further blamed and cursed by the goddess, Athena. Also read: Fabulous Reads: Pinch of sci-fi spices up crime fiction genre For me, this was a ‘retelling of the story of Medusa’ and ...