Yuvika Chaudhary hosted a satsang at her house, sharing the experience in a vlog where fans noticed her husband Prince Narula's absence. Despite celebrating New Year's and their daughter Ekleen's ...
For the uninitiated, Rashami and Arhaan had met and had gotten close to each other at Prince Narula and Yuvika Chaudhary’s wedding. This is when Rashami and Arhaan’s love story had blossomed and rest ...
Prince Narula and Yuvika Chaudhary are going through a bumpy journey, and it is quite clear in the latter's vlogs and social media presence. Since Prince has shared his side of the story and revealed ...
For the occasion Prince wore a white kurta and held his daughter in his arms, while Yuvika wore a traditional outfit and smiled at her. In the caption, Prince wrote: “Humari first Lodhi ️ ...
Yuvika Chaudhary and Prince Narula, once a beloved TV couple, are now facing relationship troubles. Rumours began after their daughter's birth. Prince claimed Yuvika didn't inform him about the ...
Yuvika Chaudhary is facing criticism from fans of Prince Narula after sharing a photo with their daughter. Prince accused Yuvika of not informing him about their baby's delivery date. This has led ...