DC’s Absolute Wonder Woman has had no issue holding her own amongst the Absolute Trinity and is easily one of the most ...
Diana of Themyscira is no more as she abandons the Wonder Woman moniker and look, taking on a new title and form to become DC’s greatest killer.
The Lasso of Truth is one of Wonder Woman's most iconic weapons, but in the Absolute Universe, she has a brand-new lasso that ...
It’s not every day you get to see Wonder Woman literally become a mythological legend, let alone Medusa, and if the moment sounds wild it absolutely is. Sherman and Bellaire leave that last ...
Wonder Woman‘s trademark weapon is her Magic Lasso ... Diana ultimately uses the power of the lasso to change herself into Medusa. The lasso perfectly replicates the curse of Athena, which ...
Yep, Absolute Wonder Woman #5 is out now ... Binding his eyes with a rag, he steps out into the streets and confronts Medusa. Talking to her, he is able to speak to the part of the creature ...
Steamy, sexy thriller series are almost always campy in some respect or another. But a new Netflix thriller from Colombia is so over-the-top that it may make the most reverent fan of the genre roll ...