For some reason, of all the ships that have sailed the ... the equivalent of $63 dollars in 2017. Titanic‘s Marconi radio. Source: The Telegraph Room The Marconi service proved so popular ...
How the Titanic Sinking Became Fake News Hours after the Titanic sank, news organizations latched onto a telegraph message that seemed to say that the ship and all its passengers had been rescued ...
They worked nonstop to try to keep the ship running. 24. The Titanic’s wireless operator called for rescue using two distress signals. The Titanic had a Marconi telegraph, so its operator ...
The Titanic, a luxury British ship, hit an iceberg and sank early in the morning on April 15, 1912 Sophie Dodd is a writer for PEOPLE. She previously worked as an editorial assistant at PEOPLE ...
A large scale Titanic exhibition is set to arrive at the Leeds Royal Armouries at the end of this month. Taking place in New Dock Hall, ...