Julian Cribb’s The Coming Famine takes the position that a global food shortage is inevitable if the human race does not soon rethink the way it eats, farms, and fishes. Setting aside the inevitable ...
He also advised Pharaoh as to the steps he needed to take, to deal with the coming famine (41:33-36): ’And now let Pharaoh seek out a man of discernment and wisdom and put him in charge of Egypt.
W ASHINGTON (AP) — A lead organization monitoring for food crises around the world withdrew a new report this week warning of imminent famine in north Gaza under what it called Israel's “near ...
The experts warned that the warring parties were blocking ''humanitarian aid, and the harvest season has been disrupted due to the armed conflict, making widespread famine imminent in the coming ...
The report on hunger said people facing the highest level of starvation in the coming months are in 10 ... It warned about a risk of famine in 14 areas “if the conflict escalates further ...