Other studies reported similar effects, resulting in a general recommendation to wear a helmet while skiing or snowboarding. Aim To determine the effect of the expected increased helmet wear on the ...
I’ll be honest, I should probably wear a helmet more often than I do. Perhaps I’m old school, but I frequently find myself justifying the snow conditions and exposure, and if the snow’s even slightly ...
Take a look at ski resorts across North America these ... for a clean look — especially if you prefer to wear your goggles under your helmet. Being a stripped-down, everything-you-need-and ...
Some resorts require anyone younger than 18 to wear a helmet when skiing or snowboarding, and some ski schools will require students to wear them. Even where it's not mandatory, they're still a ...
Head hurting wondering whether to wear a helmet for climbing? Stay ahead of the game and make ... The obvious question is how far it fell: was it a few feet into soft snow, a few metres on to hard ...
Instead, build walls and snowmen, or use containers to pack snow into bricks. Never dig tunnels. Wear a helmet when sledding. Choose safe hills. Stick to designated sledding areas, away from roads ...
It has been in constant use ever since, with room for a helmet, ski boots, goggles ... and still look brand new even after years of wear. While out on the slopes, your feet will thank you for ...