People shovel snow into a truck in Montreal in 1939. Starting in the early 1900s, the city took over management of snow clearing. (Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec) Sicard sold his ...
It’s time for spring cleaning in Montreal, and the city launched its cleanup operations just before the official start of the ...
Street cleaning is a rite of spring in Montreal, after receding snow exposes months' worth of cigarette butts, dog waste, and ...
Shovel from the entry to the street in order ... Unlike other municipalities that are facing issues finding a place to put all the snow, Montreal has adequate dumping sites to handle the load ...
At that time, labourers were hired to shovel snow for 25 cents an hour. The snow was taken away in horse-drawn carts. The first snowblower to clear the streets was purchased by the City of Montreal ...
labourers were hired to shovel snow for 25 cents an hour. The snow was taken away in horse-drawn carts. The first snowblower to clear the streets was purchased by the City of Montreal nearly 100 ...