There was no crash, more a scrape and a shudder – but one that would quickly prove fatal to the ship. The passengers rushed ...
A historic all-steel ship that broke records as it cruised the Great Lakes but came to a tragic end has been found more than 100 years after it sank, researchers announced this week. The vessel ...
Treasures believed to be worth around £ ... It's thought to be most valuable shipwreck ever found in Sub-Saharan Africa. Dr Dieter Noli, chief archeologist of the Southern Africa Institute of ...
In 1892, a gale overtook the ship Western Reserve, causing it to sink within a matter of minutes with only one of the 28 ...
The Western Reserve, a 300-foot steel steamer, broke in two as it wrecked in 1892 about 60 miles northwest of Whitefish Point ...
A ship lost at sea has been recovered 132 years ... Around 7:30 a.m. the following morning, the family and remaining crew found themselves a mile from the shoreline west of the Deer Park Life ...
"It's just endless, the story of what went on in these waters," Joe Zsiga, AKA Captain Joe of Epic Treasures Hunters, told ABC Action News reporter Michael Paluska. Paluska first profiled Zsiga ...
These long legal battles happen too frequently. Mel Fisher, a treasure hunter who famously found the Atocha shipwreck off the Florida Keys, spent more than 15 years searching for the wreck.