Canned salmon, long thought to be just a pantry staple, has unexpectedly become a valuable archive of Alaskan marine ecology.
How tribal leaders, commercial fisherman and a few small environmental groups won an uphill campaign against dams.
Alaskans have witnessed our king salmon runs continue their downward trend of productivity, largely related to changing conditions in the ocean ...
Spring-run Chinook are listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act, and winter-run Chinook are ... winters since ...
The glamour fish of Northern California is salmon. When this fishery is healthy it has a greater economic impact than any ...
Initially, the group thought the killer whales belonged to the Bigg’s species before realizing their “very ... whales travel ...
First, says Roberts, it's important to know that Coho, Sockeye, and King salmon species differ in their fat content. “Coho is ...
There could be 'unforeseen' problems with removing dams and weirs in a bid to help our native salmon spawn upstream. A new ...
Maniilaq is working with SeaShare to coordinate additional seafood distributions in the region’s outlying villages ...