For well over 42 years, Duran Duran fans have always speculated who the source of inspiration was for the woman on the cover ...
The bold rocker “Big Mistakes” was the debut song unveiled from Rio ahead of the album’s release—Rabin describes it as a “romantic look back at my past where I'm-lucky-to-be-alive-kind ...
“I’ve always wanted to work with Neve,” Sheldon Dingwall told the podcast. “Unbeknown to me, the Rio album was recorded on a Neve console, and so John already had a long association with the ...
Rio the Messenger and Alexander Yearns may represent the yin and yang of their local music scene, but they’ll each celebrate ...
Rio Negro; É Preciso Perdoar; Uirapuru; Berlin; Humanos; Insensatez; Nossa Estrada; Verde Mata. On his new recording, Psychedelic Rio, Vinicius Cantuaria tries to give another vision of Brazilian ...