Xbox, Microsoft

Xbox One, Xbox Series S, and Xbox Series X consoles have a feature Xbox fans had no idea about, but that is very useful.
Xbox's buyout of Activision Blizzard was a last ditch effort to keep Microsoft's gaming division afloat, according to a new ...
Xbox exec Jason Ronald was recently named the 'VP of next-generation' over at Microsoft, with the Xbox Series X|S architect ...
A new report regarding the sales figures of the Xbox Series X/S shows concerning news for Microsoft's current generation of ...
Since the launch of the first Xbox console in the 2000s, Xbox has challenged PlayStation and Nintendo for market share in the ...
Xbox S and X owners can now repair their device themselves. Spare parts are available.
Here's how to get a free month of Xbox Game Pass. 1. Sign up for Microsoft Rewards: Microsoft Rewards is free to sign up for ...