Astronomers have been confounded by recent evidence that the universe expanded at different rates throughout its life. New findings risk turning the tension into a crisis, scientists say.
Cambridge Schools have always been at the forefront of fostering intellectual curiosity and scientific temper among its ...
A new study proposes a way to use weak gravitational lensing data to test the long-held Cosmological Principle of the ...
A study published in the Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics (JCAP) presents a methodology to test the assumption ...
Frontier, the second fastest supercomputer in the world, used dark matter and the movement of gas and plasma rather than just ...
A new study published in the Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics (JCAP) presents a methodology to test the ...
"The Hubble tension is now a Hubble crisis." The mystery of the Hubble tension has deepened with the startling finding that the Coma Cluster of galaxies is 38 million light-years closer than it should ...
The Copernican principle states that the Earth is not in a special place in the Universe. Us humans are not privileged ...
A unique dataset of Type Ia Supernovae being released today could change how cosmologists measure the expansion history of the Universe.Dr Mathew ...
Weak gravitational lensing tests if the universe is truly isotropic Euclid Telescope data may reveal deviations in cosmic expansion Findings could reshape cosmology by challenging core assumptions ...
Mysterious little red dots threatened to overhaul modern cosmology—but new research may have solved the celestial conundrum.