The popular Avaniyapuram Jallikattu, a bull taming sport, commenced in Tamil Nadu's Madurai on Tuesday on the day of the harvest festival 'Pongal,' and the owner of the bull to be adjudged the ...
As the world famous Alanganallur Jallikattu event attracts huge crowds, activists ask if the loss of lives remains a concern? Have safety measures helped change the realities.
Malayalam movie Jallikattu, India's official entry for the Best International Feature Film at the Academy Awards 2021, has failed to make it to the list of the 15 features that will be competing ...
The energetic and pulsating spectacle of Jallikattu took place in Palamedu, drawing huge crowds for the second day of the famous bull-taming event. Over 900 bull tamers attempted to showcase their ...
With the man vs animal conflict as its central theme, 'Jallikattu' serves as a powerful reminder of man’s insatiable lust for power and supremacy. It has been picked as India’s official entry for the ...
The closest that we came to opening up to the world was in 2016 with Visaranai and I think we're doing it again with Jallikattu in 2021. According to Times of India, the Lijo Jose Pellissery ...