Astronomers Are Baffled To Find That the Universe Is Expanding Too Fast; 'Not What We Expected' Astronomers routinely ...
It gets its name from UChicago alum Edwin Hubble, who was first to calculate the constant from his measurements of stars in 1929. Despite nearly a hundred years of astronomical measurements and ...
After five years of staring unblinking at the sky, the Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT) has compiled the most detailed map ...
The clearest and most precise images yet of the universe in its infancy—the earliest cosmic time accessible to humans—have ...
Dark energy, this still mysterious force that accelerates the expansion of the Universe, may have reversed in the distant ...
Cosmic microwave background data support cosmology’s standard model but retain a mystery about the universe’s expansion rate.
In 2014, Freedman brought her work to UChicago to further research how to increase the accuracy of Hubble constant measurements to determine whether something fundamental is missing from the modern ...
One such problem, known as the Hubble tension, is a difference in measuring the present-day expansion rate of the universe, a ...
Nowadays, satellite experiments and powerful telescopes on earth were able to measure the properties ... used multiple methods of estimating the Hubble constant, and the different methods are ...