The great, disturbing, portentous, all-overshadowing fact connected with the history of India in recent years is the succession of famines. What do these famines mean ? Here is a picture from a ...
Dr Andrea Major: The East India Company changed the way we dress ... the Honourable Company into the biggest crisis in its history. Famine had long been a part of life in Bengal, but the ...
The East India Company did not put a relief plan in place, and up to 10 million people died of starvation and illness. This was the first of several famines to hit India during British rule ...
An Article titled “India’s Deserted Children” (January 5, 1897) in “A Young Man’s Paper” written by Robert P Wilder described the horrors the famine had inflicted upon children.
Foreign Correspondence NEW YORK TIMES. TimesMachine is an exclusive benefit for home delivery and digital subscribers. Full text is unavailable for this digitized archive article. Subscribers may ...