Abel Magwitch, like Pip, follows his own rags to riches story and has his own 'Great Expectations'. He has quite a dramatic change in personality between the earlier and later parts of the book.
Great Expectations introduced the narrator "Pip" and his story to the world, as well as other memorable characters including Joe Gargery the blacksmith, Abel Magwitch, Miss Havisham, and Estella.
In the film adaptation of Charles Dickens' "Great Expectations," we follow the journey of Pip, a young boy whose life is forever altered after meeting the escaped convict Magwitch in a desolate ...
Pip, a good-natured, gullible young orphan, lives with kind blacksmith Joe Gargery and his bossy, abusive wife "Mrs. Joe". When the boy finds two hidden escaped galley convicts, he obeys under ...