But when were giant squids discovered, and why did it take so long to find the real-life "Kraken"? Let's find out. Do sea ...
Giant squid fishing on the high seas is regulated by the SPRFMO, an international agreement made up of countries with fishing interests whose objective is to guarantee the conservation and ...
Tsutomu Yoda, a 46-year-old fishing equipment shop owner living ... 4:30 p.m. that day and saw the roughly 2.5-meter-long giant squid swimming at a slow pace. They approached close enough to ...
Most other known remains of giant squid are fragments washed up on beaches or found in the stomach contents of sperm whales. When the Museum specimen was accidentally caught by a fishing trawler it ...
An encouraging start of the 2024 Illex squid season, with good catches and sized specimens have been reported by both jiggers and trawlers, according to Argentine fishing interests operating since ...
The court battle continues on the annual allocation of a minimum of 15% of available commercial squid fishing rights to the small-scale fisheries sector. The SA Squid Management Industry ...