After a nine month lull, new accounts of spinning fish and dead sawfish are being documented in the Florida Keys.
If you go fishing off the Florida coast anytime soon, there’s an almost fifty-fifty chance you’ll lose a fish to the “taxman” — the nickname for a shark that steals a fish off your line. Go down to ...
Most of Key Largo's dive sites exist within the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, a protected area covering 2,900 square nautical miles. Developed in 1990 to protect precious coral reefs and ...
A popular year-round vacation destination in the Sunshine State, the Florida Keys also attract visitors with world-class sport fishing and ... enjoying a glass-bottom boat tour to view the sea ...
Key West Sailfish Tournament. Key West. The Key West Sailfish Tournament brings bring world-class teams together for a two-day shootout-style battle for the top of the leaderboard and ...
After the initial deaths, state legislators approved $2 million to fund the investigation into sawfish deaths in Biscayne Bay near Miami, Florida Bay and the Florida Keys. Some of the money goes to ...
MONROE COUNTY, Fla. - A 33-year-old Miami man has been cited for multiple wildlife violations after being caught spearfishing in a prohibited area and ...
Florida Bay and the Florida Keys. Some of the money goes to local fishing guides for water sampling and other work, according to FWC. There is also a sawfish hotline for people to report spinning ...