Ferrari launched the Purosangue with the insistence it wasn't an SUV as it would never stoop so low as to sell one of those.
Now, delta4x4 is a huge accessory company and builder of off-road monsters - including some previous work on a Ferrari Purosangue not-an-SUV.
Not as emotional as the V12-engined Purosangue, the all-electric F244 will be revealed in early October at the Capital ...
Wait, wait, wait, we're not done yet. Instead, Ferrari also has an ultra-luxury super-SUV – Purosangue – doing battles with the Lambo Urus and Rolls-Royce Cullinan, among others. As for the ...
Don’t expect to see a Ferrari SUV model anytime soon, if at all. While Lamborghini is working on its production Urus SUV, Ferrari has no intention of creating a competitor despite the growth of ...