Fall. Concepts and methods of epidemiology. Measures of disease frequency, association and impact; study design and analysis, indices of disease and health; overview of major categories of acute and ...
The PhD in Epidemiology is offered by the Department of Epidemiology. The PhD in Epidemiology emphasizes epidemiologic study design and data analysis. The program is designed to prepare exceptionally ...
Advanced topics in occupational epidemiology, design and confounding, exposure-response modeling, or surveillance not covered in the regular curriculum. Content may vary from year to year.
Advanced topics in occupational epidemiology, design and confounding, exposure-response modeling, or surveillance not covered in the regular curriculum. Content may vary from year to year.
Chronic-disease methods grew out of infectious-disease epidemiology ... new methods do not obviate the necessity for good study design, especially the need to be clear on the difference between ...
Objective To undertake a prospective epidemiological study of injuries sustained in elite netball. Design A cohort design was used to collect descriptive injury data using superleague netball players.